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User Management & Token Sale

With version 1.6.47 of the AI Power WordPress plugin, two new features have been introduced:

  • Token Sale: This feature enables the sale of AI forms, prompts, image generators, and chatbots through WooCommerce integration.
  • AI Account: This allows users to view their token usage and statistics.

To use these features, you must have WooCommerce installed.

Token Sale

To enable the Token Sale feature for various services, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to AI Forms > Settings tab and enable the Token Sale feature.
  • Click on the Save button to apply the changes.

WooCommerce Integration

Go to Settings > WooCommerce tab and choose your preferred method for adding tokens to user accounts.

Under the Add tokens to user account if order status is: option, you can choose between Processing and Completed.

Selecting Processing will add tokens to the user account once they place their order, without requiring a manual status update.

Choosing Completed will add tokens to the user account only when their order status is marked as completed.

Create a Product

Go to Products > Add New.

Create your product, for example, selling 1k tokens for your AI forms. Provide a name, description, images, etc..

Set price for your tokens.

Scroll down to the AI Power Token Sale metabox. This box contains two options: Sell token for and Token amount.

Select the appropriate service and specify the number of tokens you wish to sell.

Save your product.

Now, when users purchase the product, the corresponding tokens will be added to their balance, based on your chosen processing or completed status.

That's it!

AI Account

Users can view their token usage in the AI Account menu of the plugin.

To grant users access to this menu, use the Role Manager feature.

A new page called My AI Account will be automatically created for subscribers.

You can customize this page and add the wpaicg_my_account shortcode to display user statistics.

You can add Buy Token buttons and links as you wish.