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Why Upgrade to Pro?

The AI Power Pro Plan offers several benefits over the Free Plan. Here's why you should consider upgrading:

FeatureFree PlanPro Plan
Priority Email Support
Early Access to New Features
RSS Module
Google Sheets Compatibility
Post Scheduling
SEO Optimizer
Enhanced AutoGPT Capabilities
Keyword Management
Inclusion of FAQ Content
PDF Chat
Chat Bot Moderation
Custom Post Types for Embeddings
Embedding PDF Files
Social Poster (Twitter)

Priority Email Support

Get dedicated support from our expert team. Your queries will be given priority for quick and efficient help.

Early Access to New Features

Enjoy early access to new features and explore innovative enhancements before anyone else.

RSS Module

Automatically pull article titles from any RSS feed and import them into your WordPress site. Generate content based on these titles, reducing your workload.

Google Sheets Compatibility

Generate content from a Google Sheets document. Ideal for collaborative content creation and management.

Post Scheduling

Schedule your posts ahead of time to keep your content fresh and up-to-date. Let AI Power handle the rest.

SEO Optimizer

Shorten URL

Automatically shorten URLs of your blog posts for easier sharing and better user experience.

Generate Title from Keywords

Generate SEO-friendly and compelling blog titles based on specified keywords to improve click-through rates.

Enforce Focus Keyword in URL

Ensure your focus keyword is included in the URL for better SEO ranking and relevance.

Use Sentiment in Title

Create titles that evoke strong emotions to increase click rates.

Use Power Word in Title

Include compelling "Power Words" like "Discover," "Unveil," or "Secrets" in your titles to make them more appealing and clickable.

Enhanced AutoGPT Capabilities

Process up to 100 posts per batch, enhancing your content generation capacity by 20 times compared to the Free Plan.

Keyword Management

Advanced tools for better control over content generation:

  1. Add Keywords: Guide content generation with specific keywords.
  2. Avoid Keywords: Exclude certain terms or phrases to align content with your brand voice.
  3. Bold Keywords: Highlight important keywords by making them bold for better emphasis.

Add FAQ to Your Content

Integrate FAQs directly into your content to address common queries, improve user engagement, and boost SEO by answering search queries in your posts.

PDF Chat

Chat with any PDF document by uploading it in the chat. The chatbot generates relevant questions and conversations based on the content, enhancing user engagement.

Chat Bot Moderation

Access advanced moderation features to better manage user interactions and maintain a positive environment on your site.

Custom Post Types for Embeddings

Embed your custom post types, making your chatbot more personalized and context-aware by referencing custom content during interactions.

Embedding PDF Files

Embed PDF files directly into Pinecone or Qdrant as vectors, allowing your chatbot to understand and engage with the content. This expands the chatbot's knowledge base, enhancing response quality.

Social Poster

Automate social media posting with AI. Two key functionalities:


Automatically send a tweet each time you publish a post. Include a link and customize the tweet prompt to match your preferred tone (e.g., sarcastic, cheerful, humorous, professional).

Twitter Writer

Generate tweets based on defined keywords and send them at pre-defined intervals. Specify keywords, set tweet frequency, and customize the tweet prompt.

Keep your Twitter followers updated and engaged effortlessly.