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Why Upgrade to Pro?

The AI Power Pro Plan offers several distinct benefits over the Free Plan. Here's why you should consider upgrading:

FeatureFree PlanPro Plan
Priority Email Support
Early Access to New Features
RSS Module
Google Sheets Compatibility
Post Scheduling
SEO Optimizer
Enhanced AutoGPT Capabilities
Keyword Management
Inclusion of FAQ Content
PDF Chat
Chat Bot Moderation
Custom Post Types for Embeddings
Embedding PDF Files
Social Poster (Twitter)

Priority Email Support

One of the most significant benefits of the Pro Plan is the priority email support. If you ever encounter any issues or have any questions about the AI Power plugin, you'll receive dedicated support from our expert team. Your queries will be given priority, ensuring that you receive quick and efficient help when you need it most.

Early Access to New Features

As a Pro Plan user, you'll enjoy the privilege of early access to new features. This means you'll be the first to explore and benefit from the innovative enhancements and improvements we continuously introduce to our AI Power plugin.

RSS Module

The Pro Plan unlocks access to the RSS Module. This feature empowers you to automatically pull article titles from any RSS feed and import them into your WordPress website. The module can generate content based on these RSS titles, significantly reducing your content creation workload and saving you invaluable time and effort.

Google Sheets Compatibility

The Pro Plan comes with Google Sheets compatibility, providing a seamless way to generate content from a Google Sheets document. This feature is especially handy for collaborative content creation and management.

Post Scheduling

Post Scheduling is an invaluable tool for any content creator. It allows you to schedule your posts ahead of time, ensuring that your content is always fresh and up-to-date. With the Pro Plan, you can schedule your posts and let AI Power handle the rest.

SEO Optimizer

Shorten URL

This feature allows you to automatically shorten the URLs of your blog posts. Shortened URLs are easier to share and can improve your website's user experience.

Generate Title from Keywords

This feature automatically generates SEO-friendly and compelling blog titles based on the keywords you specify. A good title can significantly improve the click-through rate of your posts.

Enforce Focus Keyword in URL

This feature ensures that your focus keyword is included in the URL of your blog post. This can improve your SEO ranking and make the URL more relevant to the post's content.

Use Sentiment in Title

This feature aims to evoke strong emotions through the blog title. Whether the emotions are positive or negative, a title that triggers emotions is more likely to get clicked.

Use Power Word in Title

This feature includes a "Power Word" in your blog title. Power Words are words that compel users to take action, such as "Discover," "Unveil," or "Secrets." They can make your titles more appealing and clickable.

Enhanced AutoGPT Capabilities

Upgrading to the Pro Plan significantly expands your Auto Content Writer capabilities, allowing you to process up to 100 posts per batch whereas the Free Plan can only generate content for 5 posts at a time in a batch. Therefore, by choosing the Pro Plan, you're enhancing your content generation capacity by 20 times, significantly increasing your productivity and efficiency.

Keyword Management

The Pro Plan opens up a suite of advanced keyword management tools that provide you with greater control over your content generation:

  1. Ability to Add Keywords: You can add specific keywords to guide the content generation process, ensuring your content is always relevant and targeted.

  2. Ability to Avoid Certain Keywords: If there are certain terms or phrases you want to exclude from your content, the Pro Plan allows you to specify these for avoidance. This ensures that your content aligns perfectly with your brand voice and messaging.

  3. Ability to Make Keywords Bold: Highlight important keywords by making them bold. This not only makes your content more reader-friendly but also allows you to emphasize key points effectively.

Inclusion of FAQ Content

Under the Pro Plan, you have the ability to integrate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) directly into your content. This feature allows you to address common queries and provide relevant information to your audience within the context of your posts. By including FAQs, you enhance your content's value, improve user engagement, and potentially boost your SEO performance by answering search queries directly in your content.

PDF Chat

With the PDF Chat, users can now chat with any PDF document. By simply uploading a PDF in the chat, the chatbot can generate relevant questions and conversations based on the content within the document. This not only makes information access more interactive but also opens up a whole new level of user engagement.

The PDF Chat feature allows you to set the number of pages to be considered from the uploaded PDF and to create a custom success message once the PDF is uploaded and processed. This feature is user-friendly and simple to use, making any PDF document a new avenue for conversation.

Chat Bot Moderation

With the Pro Plan, you gain access to advanced moderation features for the chat bot. This means you can better manage user interactions, maintaining a positive and constructive environment on your website.

Custom Post Types for Embeddings

With the Pro Plan, you gain the capability to embed your custom post types. This unique feature means that you can feed any custom content directly into the bot. As a result, your chatbot becomes more personalized and context-aware, being able to reference your own custom content during interactions.

Embedding PDF Files

One of the unique features of the Pro Plan is the ability to embed PDF files directly into Pinecone or Qdrant as vectors. This advanced feature allows your chatbot to understand and engage with the content within these documents, thus expanding its knowledge base.

With this feature, your PDFs - be it guides, manuals, or extensive documents - become an integral part of the chatbot's intelligence. Instead of merely providing a link for users to download or view the PDF, the chatbot can now reference, explain, and elaborate on the content within the PDFs during its interactions. This opens up a vast array of possibilities for enhancing the depth and quality of your chatbot's responses, making it a more comprehensive and valuable resource for your users.

Social Poster

Social Poster is an exclusive feature for the Pro Plan users. With this feature, you can automate your social media posting with AI. It comprises of two key functionalities: Blog2Tweet and Twitter Writer.

Blog2Tweet: This functionality lets you setup your Twitter agent such that each time you publish a post on your site, it will automatically send a tweet. You can choose to include a link to your post in the tweet and customize the tweet prompt to match your preferred tone (e.g., sarcastic, cheerful, humorous, professional, etc.)

Twitter Writer: Twitter Writer utilizes GPT to generate tweets based on your defined keywords and send them at pre-defined intervals. You can specify keywords of interest, choose how often you want to send a tweet, and customize the tweet prompt, just like in Blog2Tweet. With the Twitter Social Poster, you can keep your Twitter followers updated and engaged without lifting a finger.