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Bring Your Own Key Model

Our plugin operates on a Bring Your Own Key basis, which means it serves as a bridge between your WordPress site and Google AI services..

In order to use our plugin, you need to have an Google account and purchase API credits from Google.

With this approach, users are required to provide their own Google API key to access the plugin's functionality.

This ensures that users maintain full control over their API keys and guarantees access to the latest, most advanced language processing technology offered by Google.


Purchasing our plugin does not provide any credit from Google.

When you buy our plugin, you gain access to the pro features of the plugin, but it does not include any API credit.

You will still need to purchase credit from Google separately.

You can refer to their pricing page for more details.

Generate Google API Key

Generating a Google API key is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create your API key:

  1. Open your web browser and go to page.
  2. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to sign in with your Google account. Enter your credentials to access the API key creation page.
  3. Once you're logged in, look for a button labeled "Create new API key in a project" and click on it.
  1. After clicking the button, Google will automatically generate a new API key for you.
  1. Once your API key is displayed on the screen, make sure to copy it. You can use the copy button provided for ease.
  2. Save this key in a secure location. You will need this API key to integrate Google services into our plugin.

Setting Up AI Power Plugin

Setting up the AI Power plugin to use Google's AI services in your WordPress site is a user-friendly process.

Here's how to get started:

  • Navigate to the AI Power plugin on your WordPress dashboard.
  • First, you'll need to input your Google API key into the plugin. To do this, go to the Settings - AI Engine tab.
  • In the provider dropdown list, select Google. You will see a text field to enter your key.
  • Paste your previously generated Google API key, and then click the Save button.

With the API key saved, you can now use the plugin with your Google api key.


Before setting Google as your provider in the plugin, you should be aware of its limitations:

Unsupported Modules: Fine-tuning and Audio Converter.

Once you enable Google:

  • Speech to Text: This feature will be disabled because Google's speech to text feature is not yet available on Google AI Studio. However, we plan to integrate it once it becomes available.
  • Moderation: Google offers its own content filtering, so our plugin will automatically disable the moderation feature.
  • Image Generator: Google's image generator module is not publicly available yet.

Most importantly, Gemini Pro is still in its early stages and is not as stable as OpenAI's GPT models. Therefore, expect to encounter incomplete responses, nonsensical replies, and a higher rate of errors with this model.