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Best Of

What is Best Of?

Best Of generates multiple candidate completions on the OpenAI side and returns the "best" one based on the highest log probability per token.


In future versions of our plugin, we will remove the Best Of parameter. For our plugin, the Best Of value should always be set to 1 to ensure consistent and coherent text generation.

Adjusting the Best Of Setting

The default Best Of value is 1. You can change it in the AI Engine tab.

Steps to change the Best Of:

  1. Go to the plugin menu on your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on the Settings page and find the AI Engine tab.
  3. Enter a new value in the Best Of field.
  1. Click the Save button.

Getting Optimal Responses with Best Of

The "Best Of" option generates multiple responses to a query and selects the best one. The selection is based on factors like relevance, coherence, consistency, and fluency.

  • Multiple responses: Generates various completions.
  • Selects the best: Chooses the one with the highest log probability per token.

While this feature can generate multiple variations and select the most appropriate one, its usefulness may be limited since the selection process is handled by the algorithm and is not visible in real-time.

In summary, the Best Of option helps in getting the most relevant and well-written response by generating and selecting from multiple candidates.